#S01747* 400 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
This has been a favorite for years due to great flavor and slow bolting. The loose heads are very heavy, wrapped with...Buy Now Details -
#S01734* 200 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
This is not your ordinary collard greens! An interesting heirloom donated to SSE in 1989 by Ralph Blackwell of...Buy Now Details -
#S01748* 400 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
Harvest loads of vitamin rich, smooth leaved, delicious greens. Recognized as a very nutritious variety with...Buy Now Details -
#S01405* 500 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
Ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
A very early, compact type that is particularly hardy. Grows only 12 in. tall with leaves finely curled and...Buy Now Details -
#S01408* 5 grams - $3.85 - In Stock
Ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
Later and slightly larger than our Dwarf Blue Curled variety. Plants are leafy and sprawling with large, light green...Buy Now Details -
#S01454* 500 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
A mix of 5 easy-to-grow nutritious kales in varying shades of green and red. From baby leaf to the bunching stage,...Buy Now Details -
#S01455* 500 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
Dinosaur. This heirloom has a long history dating back to Tuscany in the 18th century. A rather primitive open kale...Buy Now Details -
#S01407* 5 grams - $3.85 - In Stock
* Ounce - $5.95 - Out of Stock
A very tender, colorful variety, also used for baby kale. Purple stems with purple veined gray-green leaves are...Buy Now Details -
#S01458* 15 seeds - $5.65 - In Stock
A cross between brussels sprouts and kale. Using traditional breeding techniques, this easy to prepare, kale-like...Buy Now Details -
#S02515* 1000 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $5.25 - In Stock
1963 All-America Selections Winner. The largest and most heat resistant of all Butterhead types. An improved Bibb...Buy Now Details -
#S02527* 1000 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
A true heirloom butterhead lettuce from the Southern Dutch Isles. Gustav, a local, developed his own strain of...Buy Now Details -
#S02587* 1000 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
This heirloom is documented as being grown at Monticello by Thomas Jefferson! The original black-seeded strain that...Buy Now Details -
#S02545* 1000 seeds - $3.55 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
* 15 foot seed tape - $4.95 - In Stock
Great for vegetables that tend to get planted too thick. Tapes are sent as three, 5 ft. sections and will plant a...Buy Now Details -
#S02560* 1000 seeds - $3.65 - In Stock
Cool and refreshing, this wonderful sweet Batavian lettuce makes large loose heads even in hot weather. This is one...Buy Now Details -
#S02573* 1000 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
Our most heat resistant variety. Never gets bitter. Leaves are crisp and flavorful, even during the hottest summer...Buy Now Details -
#S02591* 1000 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
Frilled, deep red leaves hold up in hot weather. Wide leaves are crisp, tender and always delicious. Slow to bolt. 50...Buy Now Details -
#S02559* 1000 seeds - $3.25 - In Stock
* 1/2 ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
Four varieties over 50 years old, each a different type, for continuous lettuce all season long. Includes a delicious...Buy Now Details -
#S02524* 1000 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
* 1 Ounce - $5.55 - In Stock
The sweetest Romaine lettuce, highly recommended for Caesar salad. Light green outer leaves, with a creamy yellow...Buy Now Details -
#S02556* 1000 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
A must-have for every garden. A well-balanced mix of Buttercrunch, Black Seeded Simpson and Tennis Ball (pg. 24),...Buy Now Details -
#S02703* 750 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
The classic mustard typically found in Southern gardens of yesteryear. It is still widely grown in the South for its...Buy Now Details -
#S02704* 250 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
A mustard-spinach variety, fast and easy-to-grow, with a mild flavor and high nutritional value. Upright plants grow...Buy Now Details -
#S02705* 750 seeds - $3.95 - In Stock
* 1 Ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
Best frilled type. Slow to bolt. Mature, wide leaves are bright green, frilled at the edges and delicious when cooked...Buy Now Details -
#S02708* 750 seeds - $2.25 - In Stock
A mustard-spinach cross that combines milder flavor with better tolerance to drought. Plants are semi-erect with a...Buy Now Details -
#S03425* 350 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
Bears for a longer period than any other variety. Holds its quality well and is slow to go to seed. Dark green leaves...Buy Now Details -
#S03445* 60 seeds - $3.75 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
The cut-and-come-again type thrives in hot weather. The more you cut, the more it grows. Tender, dark green leaves....Buy Now Details -
#S03447* 300 seeds - $3.65 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
The largest spinach. An old variety that remains unbeatable for size. Leaves are medium green, very uniform, rounded,...Buy Now Details -
#S03742* 200 seeds - $4.95 - In Stock
1998 All-America Selections Winner. A reselection of a New Zealand heirloom. Stalks are tender and have a mild...Buy Now Details -
#S03744* 200 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $5.95 - In Stock
One of the most fool-proof greens we offer. Grows well, even in hot weather. Always produces tender, crisp greens...Buy Now Details -
#S04005* 1000 seeds - $3.35 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.55 - In Stock
America's most popular turnip! Sweet, white flesh is firm, crisp, mild and delicious, raw or cooked. Roots are nearly...Buy Now Details -
#S04010* 1000 seeds - $3.45 - In Stock
* 1 ounce - $4.95 - In Stock
An heirloom dating back to the 1800's. Tops produce the finest greens of all varieties. Leaves are large, dark green,...Buy Now Details