#S01779* 1 ounce - $3.95 - In Stock
* 1/4 Pound - $5.95 - In Stock
Purdue 410. The largest of our popcorns. Pops huge, tender kernels of a rich, butter color. Great for caramel corn.... -
#S01771* 1-1/2 ounce - $3.65 - In Stock
* 1/4 Pound - $5.95 - In Stock
Our only white open-pollinated popcorn, with short, 6 to 7 in. ears almost as wide as they are long. Also called... -
#S01788* 1 ounce - $3.85 - In Stock
* 1/4 Pound - $5.95 - Out of Stock
Our midseason white variety produces three or more ears per stalk. Completely hull-less. Tender, small kernels with...