Site Map

AAS Winners
AAS Winning Flowers AAS Winning Flowers
AAS Winning Herbs AAS Winning Herbs
AAS Winning Vegetables AAS Winning Vegetables
Farm Seed
Clovers Clovers
Feeds & Green Manure Feeds & Green Manure
Grasses Grasses
Seed Corn Seed Corn
Sorghum Broom Corn Sorghum Broom Corn
Annual Flowers Annual Flowers
Amaranthus Amaranthus
Asarina Asarina
Aster Aster
Calendula Seeds Calendula Seeds
Celosia Celosia
Cleome Cleome
Cobaea Cobaea
Cosmos Cosmos
Dahlia Dahlia
Delphinium Delphinium
Flower Mixes Flower Mixes
Four O Clock Four O Clock
Heirloom Annual Flowers Heirloom Annual Flowers
Gilia Gilia
Marigolds Marigolds
Maurandya Maurandya
Moonflower Moonflower
Morning Glories Morning Glories
Nasturtium Nasturtium
Ornamental Eggplant Ornamental Eggplant
Poppy Poppy
Snapdragon Snapdragon
Sunflower Sunflower
Verbena Verbena
Wildflower Mixes Wildflower Mixes
Zinnias Zinnias
Bulbs Bulbs
Caladiums Caladiums
Cannas Cannas
Dahlias Dahlias
Elephant Ears Elephant Ears
Gladiolus Gladiolus
Tuberose Tuberose
Perennial Seeds Perennial Seeds
Delphinium Delphinium
Hollyhock Hollyhock
Lupine Lupine
Wildflower Mixes Wildflower Mixes
Fruits and Nuts
Fruit and Nut Trees Fruit and Nut Trees
Apple Trees, Columnar Apple Trees, Columnar
Apple Trees, Semi-Dwarf Apple Trees, Semi-Dwarf
Apricot Trees Apricot Trees
Bush Cherries Bush Cherries
Cherry Trees Cherry Trees
Fig Trees Fig Trees
Lemon Trees Lemon Trees
Nut Trees Nut Trees
Pawpaw Trees Pawpaw Trees
Pear Trees Pear Trees
Plum Trees Plum Trees
Small Fruits Small Fruits
Blackberry Blackberry
Blueberries Blueberries
Boysenberry Boysenberry
Bush Cherry Bush Cherry
Cranberries Cranberries
Currant Currant
Elderberry Elderberry
Gooseberries Gooseberries
Grapes Grapes
Honeyberries Honeyberries
Hops Hops
Jostaberry Jostaberry
Kiwi Kiwi
Lingonberries Lingonberries
Pineberry Pineberry
Raspberries Raspberries
Rhubarb Rhubarb
Strawberries Strawberries
Garden Supplies
Animal Control Animal Control
Bird-X Netting Bird-X Netting
Critter Ridder Critter Ridder
Predator Urines Predator Urines
Bamboo Supports/Accessories Bamboo Supports/Accessories
Bird Netting/ Fencing Bird Netting/ Fencing
Books Books
Containers/ Planters Containers/ Planters
Cultivator Cultivator
Disease Control Disease Control
Fertilizers Soil Amendments Fertilizers Soil Amendments
Organic Fertilizers Organic Fertilizers
Fungicide Fungicide
Garden Aides Garden Aides
Greenhouses Greenhouses
Hand Tools Hand Tools
Harvest Helpers Harvest Helpers
Inoculants Inoculants
Insect Control Insect Control
Combination Sprays Combination Sprays
Organic Insect Control Organic Insect Control
Jiffy® Products Jiffy® Products
Kitchen Helpers Kitchen Helpers
Plant Markers Plant Markers
Plant Protectors Plant Protectors
Precision Seeder Precision Seeder
Row Tunnel Covers Row Tunnel Covers
Seed Starting Supplies Seed Starting Supplies
Soil Analyzers and Testing Kits Soil Analyzers and Testing Kits
Supports Supports
Tomato Aides Tomato Aides
Trays & Inserts Trays & Inserts
Trellis Trellis
Weed Control Weed Control
Annual Herb Seeds Annual Herb Seeds
Herb Plants Herb Plants
Perennial Herb Seeds Perennial Herb Seeds
New Items
Perennial Plants Perennial Plants
Trees, Shrubs & Vines Trees, Shrubs & Vines
Nut Trees Nut Trees
Roses Roses
Shrubs Shrubs
Small Fruit Small Fruit
Tree Fruit Tree Fruit
Vines Vines
Vegetable Plants Vegetable Plants
Asparagus Plants Asparagus Plants
Garden Ready Plants Garden Ready Plants
Garlic Garlic
Ginger Ginger
Heirloom Vegetable Plants Heirloom Vegetable Plants
Horseradish Plants Horseradish Plants
Jerusalem Artichoke Plants Jerusalem Artichoke Plants
Leek Plants Leek Plants
Mushroom Kits Mushroom Kits
Onion Plants Onion Plants
Pepper Plants Pepper Plants
Potatoes Potatoes
Rhubarb Plants Rhubarb Plants
Shallot Bulbs Shallot Bulbs
Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potatoes
Tomato Plants Tomato Plants
Cherry Tomato Plants Cherry Tomato Plants
Slicer Tomatoes Slicer Tomatoes
Paste Tomato Plants Paste Tomato Plants
Vegetable Seeds Vegetable Seeds
Bean Seeds Bean Seeds
Filet Filet
Green Bush Green Bush
Lima Lima
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Pole Pole
Shell Shell
Soybean Soybean
Yellow Bush Yellow Bush
Beet Seeds Beet Seeds
Brussels Sprouts Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage Seeds Cabbage Seeds
Cantaloupe Seeds Cantaloupe Seeds
Carrot Seeds Carrot Seeds
Cauliflower Seeds Cauliflower Seeds
Celery Seeds Celery Seeds
Collard Seeds Collard Seeds
Corn Seeds Corn Seeds
Ornamental Ornamental
Popcorn Seeds Popcorn Seeds
Sweet Corn - Normal (su) Sweet Corn - Normal (su)
Sweet Corn- Open Pollinated Sweet Corn- Open Pollinated
Sweet Corn- Sugary Enhanced (se) Sweet Corn- Sugary Enhanced (se)
Sweet Corn- Super Sweets (sh2) Sweet Corn- Super Sweets (sh2)
Sweet Corn- Synergistic (se/sh2) Sweet Corn- Synergistic (se/sh2)
Cowpeas or Southern Peas Cowpeas or Southern Peas
Cress Seeds Cress Seeds
Cucumber Seeds Cucumber Seeds
Bush Bush
Pickling Pickling
Slicing Slicing
Eggplant Seeds Eggplant Seeds
Gourd Seeds Gourd Seeds
Greens Greens
Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Heirloom Vegetable Seeds
Kale Seeds Kale Seeds
Kohlrabi Seeds Kohlrabi Seeds
Leek Seeds Leek Seeds
Lettuce Seeds Lettuce Seeds
Luffa Gourd Seeds Luffa Gourd Seeds
Mangel Seeds Mangel Seeds
Melon Seeds Melon Seeds
Mesclun Mixes Mesclun Mixes
Muskmelon Seeds Muskmelon Seeds
Mustard Seeds Mustard Seeds
Okra Seeds Okra Seeds
Onion Seeds Onion Seeds
Parsley Seeds Parsley Seeds
Parsnip Seeds Parsnip Seeds
Pea Seeds Pea Seeds
Edible Podded Edible Podded
Garden Shelling Garden Shelling
Snow Snow
Peanut Seeds Peanut Seeds
Pepper Seeds Pepper Seeds
Goliath Pepper Seeds Goliath Pepper Seeds
Hot Pepper Seeds Hot Pepper Seeds
Sweet Pepper Seeds Sweet Pepper Seeds
Popcorn Popcorn
Potato Potato
Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin Seeds
Carving Carving
Mini Mini
Pie Pie
Radish Seeds Radish Seeds
Rutabaga Seeds Rutabaga Seeds
Salsify Seeds Salsify Seeds
Scallion Seeds Scallion Seeds
Seed Collections Seed Collections
Soybeans Soybeans
Spinach Seeds Spinach Seeds
Squash Seeds Squash Seeds
Winter Winter
Summer Summer
Sugar Beet Seeds Sugar Beet Seeds
Swiss Chard Seeds Swiss Chard Seeds
Tomato Seeds Tomato Seeds
Cherry & Pear Cherry & Pear
Early Early
Heirlooms Heirlooms
Large Red Large Red
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Paste Paste
Red Main Crop Red Main Crop
Turnip Seeds Turnip Seeds
Vegetable Seed Tapes Vegetable Seed Tapes
Watermelon Seeds Watermelon Seeds
Zucchini Seeds Zucchini Seeds
Web Specials
End of Season Flower Sale End of Season Flower Sale
End of Season Vegetable Plant Sale End of Season Vegetable Plant Sale
Seed Sale Seed Sale
Welcome Shumway Catalog Customers!
Quarry Farm Gourds
Hard Shells Hard Shells
Pepo Pepo
Gift Certificates