Product Details
Page Number 11 & 30
Fragrant n
Common Name Natures Aid Inoculant

Natures Aid Inoculant

  • 1.5 ounces
  • $11.95
  • Out of Stock
  • 6 ounces
  • $16.95
Increase yield and improve quality by inoculating seed before planting. Helps fix nitrogen and converts it to a usable form for plants. Without Nature's Aid, one 25-foot row yielded 17 lbs. of beans; with Nature's Aid, the yield increased to over 26 lbs., a 53 percent increase! Home Garden Size (1.5 ounces) treats up to 8 lbs. of seed. Market Garden size (6 ounces) size treats 50 lbs. of seed.

Please note: Our 6 ounce size is now packaged in a red and white bag and branded Exceed. The product is identical to Nature's Aid and will yield the same results.

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Product Details
Page Number 11 & 30
Fragrant n
Common Name Natures Aid Inoculant


Write a review
I always use this product
May 12, 2024  |  By Lisa Owens
I don't plant cowpeas, field peas, green beans or peanuts without this inoculant. The plants just thrive throughout the scorching summer heat without irrigation. Yields are much better than without the inoculant though it's been 10+ years since I planted untreated seed.

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