Growing Zones 4 to 8
Page Number 47
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 6-6-6
Light Requirements
Fragrant n
Foliage Color Green
Germination 21 to 28
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Drought Resistant y
Genus Dactylis
Species glomerata
Subspecies Orchardgrass
Common Name Grass, Orchard 

Grass, Orchard 

  • 1/2 Pound
    Buy 2 or more for $7.45 each
    Buy 10 or more for $6.35 each
  • $8.25
A popular perennial for permanent pasture or mowing. Growth starts early in the spring and continues until late fall. Furnishes 2 crops in one season when cut. Mixes well with legumes. Tolerates partial shade and is drought resistant. Seed in spring or fall. Sow 20 to 25 lbs. per acre. 14 lb. per bushel.

Growing Zone: 4 to 8

Light Requirements:

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 4 to 8
Page Number 47
Planting Season Spring/Fall
Fertilizer Type 6-6-6
Light Requirements
Fragrant n
Foliage Color Green
Germination 21 to 28
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Drought Resistant y
Genus Dactylis
Species glomerata
Subspecies Orchardgrass
Common Name Grass, Orchard