Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 25
Planting Season Spring
Fragrant n
Germination 7 to 15
Genus Cucumis melo
Common Name Melon, Pride of Wisconsin 

Melon, Pride of Wisconsin 

  • 30 Seeds
  • $3.65
Outstanding flavor and quality. Originally grown for the Milwaukee markets, this heirloom produces large fruits with excellent, sweet muskmelon flavor and bright orange flesh. Hard shelled, ribbed and netted, 4 to 8 lb. fruits hold well, allowing you to enjoy them over a longer period of time. Perfect for home gardeners and market growers. 80-85 days.

Growing Zone: 3 to 9

Own Root

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 3 to 9
Page Number 25
Planting Season Spring
Fragrant n
Germination 7 to 15
Genus Cucumis melo
Common Name Melon, Pride of Wisconsin